About us

Who we are

The Brussels Sanctions Institute is a Brussels-based think tank and the main platform for debate on EU and international restrictive measures (sanctions). 

The BSI was established with the mission to play a prominent role in shaping EU public policy, fostering informed exchange between stakeholders, and contributing to the development of the EU’s sanctions policy through research, analysis, and debate. 

We strive to adopt a holistic approach to sanctions, with attention to the political, economic, legal, social, and technological aspects of the adoption and impact of restrictive measures.

Given the emerging political, economic, and geopolitical challenges faced by the EU, it is more vital than ever to build open and informed discussions about sanctions which integrate multidisciplinary perspectives. 

What we do

As the only think tank in Brussels that has an exclusive focus on sanctions, the BSI provides a wide range of activities to inspire public debate and shape sanctions policy decisions, including: 

  • Research: the BSI conducts research on sanctions, following an interdisciplinary approach which allows for the thorough analysis of legal, economic and social dimensions and identifies the main policy challenges and solutions related to sanctions. 


  • Publications: building on both its research capabilities and international network of partners, the BSI publications present the key challenges related to the sanctions and policymaking. 

  • Events: in addition to its trademark event, the Brussels Sanctions Roundtable (BSR), the BSI regularly organises policy debates, seminars, and conferences on the most pertinent issues related to sanctions, with experts and participants from the academia, and the private and public sectors. 

  • Training: the BSI provides comprehensive training services for organisations and governments that aim to expand their knowledge and capabilities on sanctions. 


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