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In addition to its trademark event, the Brussels Sanctions Roundtable (BSR), the BSI organises policy debates, seminars, and conferences on the most pertinent issues related to sanctions, with experts and participants from the academia, and the private and public sectors.
Brussels Sanctions Roundtable of 30 January 2025: EU and US Export Controls Developments
Brussels Sanctions Roundtable of 20 March 2025: The Legal Framework for Sanctions Review and Delisting
Brussels Sanctions Roundtable of 8 May 2025: Implementation of the EU Sanctions Criminalization Harmonization Directive
A Brussels Sanctions Roundtable with expers from the EU and the US dedicated to examining the similarities and divergences between EU and US sanctions.
The Brussels Sanctions Roundtable discussion focusses on divestment operations from Russia and Belarus with perspectives from legal experts from the EU and Russia.
This Brussels Sanctions Roundtable is dedicated to reviewing the state of sanctions against Russia after two years of war.
Rue du Trône 98
1050 Brussels, Belgium
+32 (0) 2 387 56 33